Fleurs d'exception du pays de Grasse
Les Fleurs d’Exception du Pays de Grasse is a non-profit organization, formed under France’s 1901 law, that unites perfume-plant producers who have chosen to use organic farming methods and have signed a pledge advocating mutual aid, sharing, and solidarity. The objective of this organization is to preserve and promote floral crops in the Pays de Grasse.

Expertise :

2-filieres-expertise-Grasse Expertise-parfumerie-cosmetique

 Since the 1950s, the region has been witness to the virtual disappearance of perfume-plant crops, shining a harsh spotlight on an industry with little awareness of its legacy and treasures (its soil, meteorology, history, savoir-faire, and having all those trades that form the industry gathered in one and the same region). Being unaware of how great the loss would be, the industry showed little inclination to save its agricultural assets.
Grasse Expertise is the sign of the changing times and a true awakening. By bringing attention to the unique ecosystem of the Grasse region – the fragrance and cosmetics industry – and its DNA of perfume-plant cultivation, the trademark is helping to structure and dynamize this venerable supply chain and related trades.
By virtue of its commitments and mission, the Les Fleurs d’Exception du Pays de Grasse association is a natural fit as a member of Grasse Expertise, solidifying the importance of growers within this ecosystem and helping to unite and energize this supply chain.


Email : contact@fleurs-exception-grasse.com
Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 42 34 08
57 Avenue Pierre Sémard
06130 Grasse