Expertise :

We decided to join Grasse Expertise as a way of showcasing the existing ecosystem in Grasse. We regularly take part in trade shows abroad, such as Vitafood. We specialize in plant analyses for both identification and secondary metabolites and people naturally tell us about plants and their products that have developed in a region like Grasse, and so it’s to be expected that there would now be an entire ecosystem to promote the use of plants. And so we are part of this ecosystem and are one of the world’s leading companies in plant-extract analysis, so in identification, because it’s not that easy to identify a plant, but also all secondary metabolites in relation to a new consumer concern regarding plant use, and that’s safety.
Email : contact@botanicert.com
Tel.: +33 (0)4 89 85 60 27
Espace Jacques Louis Lions
4 Traverse Dupont
06 130 Grasse