The École Supérieure du Parfum, founded in 2011, offers two Master’s degrees in five years: one in Grasse in “Promoting and Marketing Plants, Fragrances, and Flavors”, the other in Paris in “Perfume Industry Management”. These Master’s degrees allow young professionals to learn, in depth, the creative processes, from raw material to formulation, from marketing to international sales, including adapting to the various constraints related to production, quality, regulations, and the environment.
The curricula are of a quality recognized by the industry’s biggest companies and have been given the highest national certification (RNCP level 1).
In Paris, the École Supérieure du Parfum has also taken over the “FESIPCA Master’s” (formerly the ISIPCA Master’s), which was renamed the “FESAPCA Master’s” this year, and has done so in partnership with the Universities of Versailles Saint Quentin.
Expertise :

ESP helps improve Grasse savoir-faire and preserves and promotes it by passing it on to younger generations through local professionals involved in education, including raw-material producers, distillers, processors, composition firms, fragrance creators, flavorists, marketing specialists, salespeople, etc. Students acquire both knowledge and skills through theoretical courses, lab work, and onsite company tours.
Email : chantal.artignan@ecole-parfum.com
Tel.: +33 (0)4 22 53 52 44
18 bd du Jeu de Ballon
06130 GRASSE