how to join
How to join
GRASSE EXPERTISE™ is reserved for Professionals in the flavor, fragrance, and cosmetics industries, whatever their form: companies, non-profit associations, organizations, or legal entities. To apply, you must respect the three #GRASSE EXPERTISETM commitments.
The Review Committee also takes into account an applicant’s CSR initiatives.
The steps :
1. Membership application
To join, you must complete the membership application, which can be downloaded here. We also invite you to download the handbook with detailed information on how to complete your application and the trademark charter and regulations. The membership application must be sent to the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse at the following address:
Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse
Commission d’octroi GRASSE EXPERTISETM
57 Avenue Pierre Sémard
06130 GRASSE.
2. Application review
Membership in the single collective trademark is determined by an assessment of the membership application by the dedicated Review Committee. The Review Committee makes an advisory recommendation on acceptance or refusal of the application to the President of the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse. This membership is approved by the President of the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse, on the recommendations of the Review Committee, for a period of three years. The application processing period shall be four months from the date of receipt of the completed membership application.
3. Membership
Once your application has been accepted, you will receive a support kit containing the GRASSE EXPERTISE™ logo in digital form for use on the media of your choice. Membership fees are available upon request. The membership period is three years as of the dispatch date of your approval letter.
4. Membership renewal
At the end of the three-year membership period, the applicant must complete a new application for assessment by the Review Committee. If at all possible, the new application should be submitted four months prior to the deadline to ensure uninterrupted membership.

Who reviews my application ?
A dedicated Review Committee evaluates your application. This commission is composed of expert representatives of the savoir-faire and expertise of the Pays de Grasse, a representative of the competitiveness clusters concerned, a representative of the Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays de Grasse, a representative of the Extraordinary Flowers of Grasse (Fleurs d’Exception du Pays de Grasse), and a representative of the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse. The complete application and review procedure is available here.
How much does it cost to join GRASSE EXPERTISE™?
The cost depends on the number of employees the Company has and its business structure. The fee schedule is available upon request.
Are the membership applications confidential ?
By joining GRASSE EXPERTISE™, the Company consents to the collection and storage of the Company’s personal data for professional purposes, management of memberships, and in compliance with the legal provisions in force. All information collected will be kept confidential per the provisions of the latest consolidated version of the French Data Privacy Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, and the Company has the right to access and modify these data. To do so, contact the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse.
What happens if a member violates the code of ethics?
Following a usage review, if the collective trademark GRASSE EXPERTISE™ is not used in accordance with the terms of the trademark charter (code of ethics), the Company will be directed to modify its communications to comply with the charter, within a specified period of time (from 15 days to one month). If the direction has not been respected by the end of this specified period, the Company’s membership may be temporarily suspended or definitively canceled by the President of the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse, after consultation with the Review Committee. In any case, in the event of non-compliance with the trademark charter, the membership may be temporarily suspended or definitively canceled and the Company may be subject to legal action. In the case of a conviction for misuse, repeated infringements, or large-scale infringements, the Review Committee will be obliged to remove the Company’s rights to use the collective trademark. If a membership that is suspended or cancelled, any fees paid toward that membership will not be refunded.
What are the GRASSE EXPERTISE™ member obligations ?
By joining GRASSE EXPERTISE™, the Company consents to the collection and storage of the Company’s personal data for professional purposes, management of memberships, and in compliance with the legal provisions in force. All information collected will be kept confidential per the provisions of the latest consolidated version of the French Data Privacy Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, and the Company has the right to access and modify these data. To do so, contact the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse. In addition, the participant agrees to:
• Pay the application filing fee and annual membership within 30 days of date of invoice. Fees are available upon request.
• Comply with the GRASSE EXPERTISE™ trademark charter and regulations
• Not infringe upon or damage the brand and/or image of the collective trademark GRASSE EXPERTISE™.
• When requested, furnish the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse with any documents proving compliance with the regulations governing the use of the collective trademark GRASSE EXPERTISE™.
• Immediately inform the Club des Entrepreneurs of any infringement or misuse of the collective trademark by third parties.
• In the event of a business closure or suspension, the Company manager will inform the Club des Entrepreneurs du Pays de Grasse as soon as possible. Should that business activity resume, the Company must submit a new membership application.